• chevron_rightWhat is the mission of The Greens Neighborhood Association
    The mission of the Greens Neighborhood Association is to improve and beautify the neighborhood, educate members in the prevention of residential crime and vandalism, and improve neighborhood and community relationships. 
  • chevron_rightHow much is it to join The Greens Neighborhood Association?
    Our dues are $150 annually.
  • chevron_rightWhen are my Neighborhood Association membership dues due?
    Neighborhood Assocation memberships renew each January. We appreciate having dues paid by the end of February but will accept them later. Dues must be current to attend the annual meeting. Click here to pay!
  • chevron_rightWhat do my dues cover?
    Dues give you voting membership in the Homeowners Association and full website access. The dues pay for the improvement and beautification of the neighborhood. Though the HOA does not own any property, we do maintain the perimeter, entrances, medians, and islands located within The Greens. Without the HOA, these areas would fall to the care of adjacent homeowners and the city. We are a volunteer organization, meaning that membership is a choice rather than an obligation. Our members understand that the appearance of our neighborhood reflects our commitment to maintaining home values and providing a place we are all proud to call home.   
  • chevron_rightHow do I get involved with The Greens Homeowners Association?
    You can join by paying the annual dues for your property in The Greens. You can pay by check or credit card through this website.
    Members can get involved in different ways. We have volunteer committees for welcoming new neighbors, putting out flags for patriotic holidays, and helping as needed with various projects. Every member can help by encouraging neighbors who may not yet be members to join. Members can also help us to improve the neighborhood by sharing any ideas or concerns and by reporting anything in need of HOA attention such as dead trees or sprinkler issues.  
  • chevron_rightHow many homes are in The Greens?
    The Greens has 827 homes within our square mile.
  • chevron_rightI joined the Homeowners Association. Can I use the neighborhood pool?
    No, we do not have a neighborhood pool. The Greens Country Club is a private club only for members. Many HOA members are also members of the club. There is one other pool that serves Medera Park. This is a private pool as well.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the difference between The Greens Neighborhood Association and The Greens Country Club?
    The Greens Neighborhood Association is a group of neighborhood residents who pay dues to support neighborhood beautification efforts. The Greens Country Club is a private club. Membership in one is not related to membership in the other. Neighborhood residency is not a requirement for club membership. We have an excellent relationship with the club as we support each other in our common goal of maintaining our separate properties to keep them looking their best. Many homeowners choose to join the Neighborhood Association and also choose to join the club.